In my sixteen-year odyssey running a creative agency, the endless hunt for original minds has transcended beyond resumes and portfolios. It’s a pursuit of diverse stories, unique cultural inflections, and the boldness to challenge the status quo.

In image: David Balfour, Co-Founder of Lightblue

In the pursuit of exceptional talent at our agency, I seek beyond resumes, exploring diverse platforms from social media to global events, where creativity thrives unrestrained. It’s more than finding an excellent portfolio; it’s about discerning a harmonious alignment of vision, passion, and creative hunger. In each interaction, I look for the sparkle, the eager curiosity, and the boldness to traverse unknown creative realms. Over the years, recognizing the ideal fit has evolved into an intuitive art, where the mutual resonance of ideas and the shared zeal for innovation signal the perfect match. Challenges in recruitment are undeniable, but they pave the path to unearthing individuals who don’t just fill roles but enrich our collective creative journey, contributing their unique hues to our agency’s vibrant mosaic, and embarking with us on an expedition of continuous growth, exploration, and groundbreaking creativity.

The story of the initial pursuit, the hunt from afar… 

Social platforms are for connections, my journey begins on platforms where creativity is unbounded, from the vibrant posts on Instagram to the professional profiles on LinkedIn, and the impressive portfolios on Behance. Beyond the pixels and posts, I look for the passion and the stories that resonate with the ethos of bravery and boundary-pushing that defines our agency.

Engaging with the creative pulse is so key for buy-in

I’ve lost count of how many engagements with events, talks, and podcasts I have been part of BUT it keeps me on the pulse of creativity. It allows me to share my vision, while concurrently learning from the wellspring of diverse talent and insights. These platforms are not just stages but bridges, connecting me with minds eager to explore and make a distinct mark.

Delivering unique projects

Having a back catalogue of diverse projects that our agency has delivered with a mix of electrifying projects that showcase not just skill, but the ability to tread uncharted waters. Our projects are narratives, conversations of cultural exploration, and stylistic freedom, echoing the diverse backgrounds and passions of our team members from the Middle East to South America and everything in between.

The opportunity to be bold! 

We invite creatives to be audacious, to delve into their cultural roots and stylistic inclinations, unafraid. It’s not just about completing a project but about embarking on a creative expedition and mapping out new territories of innovation and design.

Beyond Retention – Nurturing Growth

People over policies. This is why we are independent, we have control. In the intricate tapestry of our agency, each thread, each individual, is vital. We don’t just focus on staff retention; it’s about people’s growth, exploration, and the mutual respect and understanding that binds us together. Treating people with the same care, dignity, and freedom we seek forms the cornerstone of our collective journey.

The ambition? A Culture of Freedom and Exploration

We yearn for the culture and style each creative brings, a melody of diverse tunes creating a harmonious symphony. We let them unfurl their wings, and explore the skies of creativity without the shackles of rigid expectations. It’s their uniqueness, their distinctive brush strokes that paint our agency’s vast canvas

As I reflect on the years gone by and the many more to unfold, the hunt for creatives is a celebration of diversity, courage, and unyielding exploration. It’s about creating a sanctuary where talents, irrespective of their geographical coordinates, can flourish, unbridled, contributing their rich hues to our ever-evolving mosaic. The door to our agency is always ajar for the brave, the innovative, and those ready to embark on a mutual journey of growth and creative discovery.