The campaigns taking home the Grand Prix represent creativity at its best for big world issues like climate change, refugees and immigration, and diversity but also humor, a cherished and missed trait in the industry today.

The campaign “Breakchains With Blockchain” for the Children of Female Prisoners' Association by Horizon FCB wins Silver in the Work for Good and Media Cuts. The campaign created a collection of NFTs, priced at the amount of money needed to pay off the women imprisoned for the crime of not having enough money to pay their debts, setting them free to be reunited with their families. MullenLowe MENA wins Silver in the Communication, Work for Good and Innovation Cut with the campaign “Fixing the bAIs”  for Aurora50. Considering the need to address the gender bias that exists in AI systems, the initiative created a vast image bank of women in various professions. Using image-generating AI tools with the goal to populate the public image datasets used to train AI with these images and teach AI that women can be engineers, mathematicians, CEOs, and more, looking to break the gender barriers in professions and promote inclusivity. Back in June, Impact BBDO had been awarded UAE Agency of the Year as chosen by the local executive jury.

Grand Prix was awarded to The Monkeys, Edelman, McCann and DDB:

Grand Prix for Alternative Media in the Innovation Cut:

The First Digital Nation for The Government of Tuvalu, by The Monkeys, part of Accenture Song

Grand Prix for Integrated Campaign in the Experience Cut:

See My Skin,  Vaseline Healing Jelly for Unilever by Edelman

Grand Prix for Strategy in the Work For Good Cut:

Where To Settle for Mastercard by McCann Warsaw

Grand Prix for Integrated Campaign in the Humour Cut:

Apologize the Rainbow for Skittles by DDB Chicago

Globally the most Awarded piece of work is THE GLITCH for Alzheimer Forschung Initiative by BBDO Germany, winning 3 Gold, 3 Silver, and a Bronze. The second most awarded piece of work is Apologize the Rainbow for Skittles by DDB Chicago winning 1 Grand Prix, 2 Gold, and a Silver. Movistar by VMLY&R Mexico is the third most awarded piece of work picking up 1 Gold, 4 Silvers, and a Bronze.

The most awarded brand in the world at the 2023 Gerety Awards is McDonald’s. Joan Colletta Senior Director, Global Brand Marketing McDonald's had the following to say: “Being recognized by the Gerety awards in this way is especially meaningful given McDonald’s relentless focus on building more relevant connections with our diverse fan base around the world.  Congratulations to all the brands recognized this year and we’re proud to be in your company.”

This year’s winners come from 34 different countries. The Gerety Awards is the only creative prize to reward advertising campaigns that resonate most with a female audience. With judging sessions held around the world each year Gerety brings together some of the greatest creative leaders to look at work from a powerful perspective.

See all the 2023 winners at