The September print edition of Communicate is out this week, giving an in-depth look at creativity.

There are many reasons why we chose to focus on this topic. First, whether society defines creativity as a way of life, a scientific mechanism or even some sort of magic, it is a phenomenon that makes our lives more interesting and intriguing. Creativity means embracing originality and unique points of view that transform our daily reality.
We also wanted to understand what it is that makes certain people more creative than others.
Not that we have all the answers – far from it – but neuroscientists, researchers and artists themselves are getting increasingly better at identifying the nuts and bolts of the creative process.
Importantly, we hope to start a conversation around the ways to go beyond the fact that technology and data have taken over much of the creative work, to rather use them differently and better engage our brain and the power that it holds.

Throughout this issue, you’ll read about creative individuals around the world and how they turn innovative ideas into reality. They all have in common to have a vision and to not only believe in themselves, but also in the people who work with them. They have learnt to listen to their inner voice while also giving others the chance to express themselves. They experiment with ideas that they do not necessarily agree with, letting go of their ego and opening their heart and mind.

We hope that reading this issue of Communicate will prove to be the learning opportunity that it was for us while preparing it.

It may be challenging to remain open in a world with a lot of noise. However, by working together, the region’s creative community (and that includes us) can elevate the conversation and keep stagnation at bay. It is also why, whether you are a strategist, and ad person, a writer, a poet, a film director, a show director or a marketeer, we want to hear from you. So, drop us a line. We’re listening.

This piece has been written by the editorial team.