Much has been said about millennials and what they want from their personal and professional lives. If popular notion is anything to go buy, it seems that they want travel, technology, and bean bags. We decided to find out what it is they really seek in their professional lives – and in the process dispel some rumors – and draw a comparison between what their more senior counterparts seek as well. Turns out, their aspirations are not always quite so different.

As part of the series, we interviewed a millennial and non-millennial from several leading agencies in the region. This article features:

The millennial: Hisham Fakhreddin (25), media planner

The non-millennial: Yves Massaad (34), business director

Most important factors in a job:


  • Work time flexibility
  • Workplace culture
  • Good team dynamic


  • Opportunity to grow within the corporation
  • As a family man financials definitely come into play
  • Diversifying and strengthening my skillset

Best way for a company to retain you:


Recognition of effort – regardless of the size of the task – either through emotional, verbal or financial reward.


Recognition for the hard work and dedication; could be a simple thank you all the way to a financial reward.

Your driving force in this job:


After graduating in finance, working in media wasn’t even a possibility but once I started, I’ve grown to appreciate so much that I can’t see myself working in any other field.


I’ve wanted to work in advertising since I was a teenager. I got influenced by my grandfather and uncle who have both have been in the communications industry for ages. Plus, they look cool in suits.

Expected frequency of appraisals:


Every one to two years depending on the role


Appraisals every year for sure and promotions every two years, although it depends on the position

Career goals:


Short term: To complete my master’s degree within the next three years.

Long term: To utilize my experience, knowledge, and accreditation to continue climbing up the corporate ladder.


My short-term plan is to hold a managerial position in MediaCom; however, my career goal is to have my own company.

Work-life balance:


It is extremely important as I try to keep my work and personal life separate. I normally do not check my emails or work during weekends.


As I have two kids, work-life balance is a priority but the business never sleeps and sometimes you need to work on weekends. The key here is time management and setting expectations.

What would motivate you to switch jobs:


  • Wider range of growth opportunity
  • Salary significance since it plays a huge part whether to stay in a certain company or shift to a new one


I initially look at the challenge at hand and obviously the financial benefit.