This Holy month, the Middle East’s top Ramadan TV series are garnering major buzz across social media platforms. As a result, marketers should be listening carefully to these revealing conversations. They should be analysing how strongly certain storylines or characters resonate amongst audiences in the sphere of social media. More importantly, they should be capitalizing on these critical findings to build agile marketing strategies, provide consumers with meaningful content in real-time and develop engaging touch point opportunities.

The truth is, in today’s digital world, marketers cannot afford to underestimate the power of Word to Mouth (WOM) and its ability to permeate, enhance or disrupt the overall brand experience. Measuring the effect of WOM is, therefore imperative. Thanks to the recent emergence of the ‘social living room’ – which now serves as a new planning metric and social currency for marketers – brands now have access to free-flowing TV-related chatter on social media; and, they are using this crucial data to help shape their approach to messaging and media planning.

It is in line with this premise that VivaKi launched Social TV, a real-time proprietary tool designed to help marketers delve deep into today’s most trending TV topics. Social TV yields invaluable consumer insight and offers unprecedented analyses into TV enthusiasts’ social media behaviour.

This week, Social TV yet again provided vital information on the region’s TV viewers and their social media reactions to their favourite Ramadan series.

Social TV found that conversations centering on popular TV program Bab Al Hara have taken a rather political turn in the past few days. This occurred because the show’s cast members attended a political speech and, as a result, viewers expressed their opinions on this matter. Social TV data showed that audiences are still fascinated by Abu Essam’s character; his marriage to Nadia and the subtle changes in his personality are certainly being noticed by the show’s fans. The series was also heavily criticized as the details surrounding Abu Essam’s death proved to be historically inaccurate.

All in all, viewers seem to be quite taken by the ups and downs of the show and the non-stop intriguing cliffhangers.

When it comes to Khawater, the beloved series continues to amass positive feedback from viewers. Audiences remain affected by each episode’s teachings, however, most of them do feel that the show’s influence on people’s lives is short-lived as it won’t alter their attitude in the long run. The 15th episode, entitled It-harrak, was the most talked about this week.

As for Ramez Qirsh Al Bahr, the Dawood Hussein episode was the most watched and liked by viewers.

Finally, for Wifi, this week’s favorite episode was the one featuring Mustafa Al Agha; in it, he pokes fun at his own show on MBC (Sada Al Mala’eb).

Interestingly, and despite initial success, most Wifi viewers are starting to grow tired of the show – a common trend when it comes to comedy series.

Take a look back at the chatter in Week 1 and 2.