Visa unveiled its connected car proof of concept, developed in partnership with Accenture, at the Mobile World Congress this year.

Visa’s connected car commerce execution builds on the idea of enabling a seamless mobile payment experience in consumer vehicles. The prototype is being showcased for the first time ever in the region at the Middle East Banking Innovation Summit 2015, which runs from September 14 to 15 in Dubai.

The demonstration shows how a consumer can pre-order or pay for everything from fuel to food by utilizing several integrated elements in-car, from Visa Checkout (Visa’s online payment service), cellular connectivity, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), and Beacon technology to alert the merchant that the customer has arrived and is ready to pick up his or her order.

Nathan Cushnie, head of emerging products and innovation, MENA, Visa, says in a press statement: “What we are trying to show with the connected car commerce experience are the various possibilities of facilitating payments through vehicles in everyday situations. Visa recognizes that developing payment solutions that are based on the Internet of Things presents a huge opportunity, especially in markets such as the UAE, where smart initiatives are already underway.”