The third piece of Communicate’s virtual events series looks into the various tools that are available for brands and organizations to utilize, in order to showcase their webinars and conferences. It’s important for the hosting company to outline their requirements. The best tools should provide ease of access, opportunities for engagement, and overall a hassle-free experience. While there are literally hundreds of tools out there, Communicate has listed out a couple, that organizations can consider for their upcoming event.


Zoom is a general-purpose video conferencing tool that caters to business meetings, collaboration, and dedicated webinar solutions. The platform has been on everyone’s radar and is giving the giants a run for their money. The platform is able to support up to 1,000 live video conference participants and 10,000 viewers at a time and contains a wide array of features such as – flawless HD video quality, crystal-clear audio, dual screen-sharing, engagement tools such as Q&A, Polls, breakout rooms for private sessions and integration capabilities with Facebook Live and Youtube Live to expand reach.


Virtual conference platform, Hopin is just another one of the companies currently flourishing, from the current market demands by organizations and brands at the moment. In February of this year, the company raised about $6.5 million in seed investment. The platform allows the host to manage registrations, event booths, event sessions, event stage and is able to engage more than 100,000 attendees at a time. As mentioned earlier about the lack of face to face networking during virtual conferences, Hopin has found a way to turn around the issue, by connecting people through sequential one-on-one video chats.

Blue Jeans


The video conferencing platform has been a direct competitor against Zoom, in the fight to conquer the video conference market. Recently the company was acquired by telecom giant Verizon and plans to integrate the application, with the service providers 5g offering. The platform is currently standing out because of its security features which other platforms have failed to guarantee from time to time.  The platform is suitable for live-streamed sessions as it is able to provide more options in terms of audience engagement, moderation, and post-event analytics reports.


Demio remains one of the most popular webinar platforms available at the moment, because of its simple user interface experience for attendees. The tool enables the host to conduct online events, hold interactive training sessions, ease team collaboration for webinars, etc. For the attendees, it provides a simple registration option and browser connectivity for viewing the event, rather than downloading the application. Removing all the fuss and hassle that is likely to drive attendees away is what Demio solves with its features.