As the world converges on Dubai, the host city for COP28, artist Refik Anadol, Dubai Airports, and JCDecaux, an outdoor advertising company, combine their creative forces to offer an experience to passengers arriving in the city during the event.

Refik Anadol’s 'Data Portal: Nature' Exhibited in Dubai International (DXB) Terminal 1 Arrivals Screens

Known for his work that seamlessly fuses data, creativity, and technology, the artist unveils his latest creation, a bespoke digital masterpiece titled ‘’Data Portal: Nature’’. This artwork sits at the crossroads of generative AI, aesthetics, and environmental studies, presenting an AI Data Sculpture that draws inspiration from a vast dataset of over 400 million publicly available nature-related images encompassing water, coral, and flora.

'Data Portal: Nature' suggests that through generative AI, powerful art can be crafted that both commemorates and helps preserve the sense of nature for future generations. Represented in four chapters, each pulsating with life through vivid visual narratives, the digital art piece embodies a stark reminder of the fragility of our ecosystem and seeks to draw visitors into a dialogue about the urgent need for environmental preservation. More than just an artistic expression, it serves as a beautiful yet cautionary display, epitomizing nature’s beauty and highlighting the danger of relegating its existence to mere digital memories.

‘’Over the years, our studio has been deeply immersed in unraveling data narratives of nature through long-term collaborations with researchers from around the world. Each project has been a step towards a greater understanding of nature, an ode to the planet’s beauty and complexities. The artwork we are presenting now stands as the next evolution of this series where art, data, and nature converge and propel us into new territories of digital ecology’’, said Refik Anadol.

Image above: Refik Anadol, Dubai Airports, and JCDecaux teams.

Encouraging Global Travellers to Pause & Immerse Themselves in the Art Piece

Harnessing the capabilities of JCDecaux’s state-of-the-art giant screens, recently installed in Terminal 1 Arrivals, as an extraordinary canvas, Refik invites global travelers to take a moment and fully engage in the appreciation of 'Data Portal: Nature'.

Showcasing the potential of digital screen-based advertising infrastructures, Bertrand Mouraille, JCDecaux Managing Director, expresses, "We are delighted to unite the visionary artist Refik Anadol with Dubai Airports for this remarkable collaboration. Our longstanding dedication to placing Dubai Airports at the forefront of digital transformation is underscored by this partnership, a true testament to our unwavering commitment. DXB, being the gateway to the city and, by extension, the entrance to the COP28 event, we are grateful to use our screens to contribute to raising awareness and sensibilize thousands of travelers about sustainability challenges’’.  

“The introduction of this unique virtual art piece is perfectly timed, aligning with DXB welcoming thousands of visitors to COP28 in Dubai. Beyond enhancing the airport experience, this art installation – powered by renewable energy sourced from a major solar power initiative – underscores our role in promoting sustainability. We take pride in supporting the sustainability agenda and look forward to welcoming guests with this distinctive blend of art and environmental awareness,” said Dubai Airports’ EVP Commercial Eugene Barry.