The Twitter Publisher Network (TPN) was launched by the company last year to help advertisers connect with their audiences beyond traditional Twitter engagement using measurement, targeting and creative tools through mobile apps. This product has been tested and Twitter has taken the feedback gained to expand the TPN to include the Twitter Audience Platform. Through the addition of this product, Twitter aims to help advertisers reach over 700 million people on and off Twitter.

The first part of the expansion is occurring beyond mobile app installations and reengagements, by offering advertisers the ability to use the Twitter Audience Platform to drive Tweet engagement and video views. Both are available currently in beta to all Twitter clients on a global scale. The second phase of this new expansion is the launch of creative formats to help advertisers engage with their in app audience.

On the Twitter Audience Platform, Promoted Tweets can be transformed into different ad formats including video, native ads, banners, and interstitials. For example:

  • Tweet engagement campaigns on Twitter become interstitial and native ads
  • Promoted Video campaigns are turned into in-app video ads
  • App install or re-engagement campaigns become interstitial or banner ads