Unilever has appointed Traffic Digital to be its regional digital agency for its laundry business with the agency immediately taking charge of online activation for OMO and Comfort.

Waqas Javed, marketing director foods, beverages and home care says in a press statement: “Online marketing is a vital component in our communication mix. Traffic Digital really impressed us with their experience, skills and ideas plus their energy and enthusiasm and we’re excited to have them join our excellent team of marketing service providers”.

Dominic Gothard, Traffic Group CEO has been working with Unilever in Arabia since 1988. “On a personal level it’s wonderful to reconnect myself with this outstanding client but I’m so pleased for this excellent Traffic team who have put in an enormous amount of hard work. Since joining I’ve spent a great deal of time restructuring our business to appeal to the needs of multinational companies such as Unilever so I’m truly delighted to be working with them again,” he says in the same statement.