SeeU is the latest cross-platform mobile app to hit the market that allows planning and organizing free time. Available on Android and iOS, it has geolocalization function along with a map, which shows users where all their friends are at a given moment. The map also shows all the events that the friends are taking part in. Users can also add their own events, which will be visible to all or selected friends.

The digital marketing for the app will be handled by Tonic Media in India and the UAE. Talking about the agency’s win, Unmisha Bhatt, director – global strategy, said in a statement: “We are elated about our association with SeeU. The brand has a beautiful philosophy of using technology to unify people for ‘real’ and not just virtually. We will use the digital medium to further enhance this. Our team is very excited about this opportunity and we are all set to take SeeU to an all-new level with a high frequency launch campaign that promises to attract eyeballs and initiate a long-lasting relationship between the mobile-friendly youth and the brand”.