There’s nothing artificial about the hype around artificial intelligence. AI has clambered the list of the most effective marketing tools in 2024. Everyone has taken a strong liking to the growing market for AI tools, from LinkedIn’s leading voices to Instagram’s influencers. While AI continues to pave the way for enhanced productivity, it’s crucial to understand how the touch of AI can go out of the way in shaping the influencer marketing strategy.

With AI in the picture, it has become easier for almost anybody who wants to have a go at becoming a content creator. It’s a good time to be an influencer. From content ideas to digging for insights, AI can help influencers become more independent in their brand contracts, holding more control over their content. Supporting the cause, platforms like TikTok offer a billion-dollar creator fund, rewarding influencers for doing what they do best – create content. 

TikTok is changing the influencer marketing game. The big names on TikTok have a 35% engagement rate, which is relatively more than what content creators on Instagram offer. We are way past the conventional ways of having big names and celebrity influencers in the post-credits. Nano and micro-influencers are in, even though they may have fewer followers, they have higher engagement rates that benefit brands exceptionally.

Influencer marketing is heavily people-centric, and the impact of people in marketing is only proliferating. In recent years, countless businesses have scaled into well-known brands, relying solely on influencer marketing. It’s interesting to note that 93% of marketers leverage influencer marketing to lift brand awareness. What’s more, 61% of consumers actively listen and act on the recommendations of these people. The influencer marketing landscape is expected to grow into a 24.5 billion market globally, underlining the potential brands and advertisers see in it.

Content creation has seen some remarkable changes, particularly through the advent of AI influencers. These virtual influencers cherish a huge following and are perfect for brands across genres to garner reach on social media platforms. Lil Miquela, one of the many AI influencers, has partnered with renowned global brands such as Prada, Calvin Klein, and Samsung underscoring the potential of virtual influencers in bringing about a considerable impact in the influencer marketing world. In addition, having access to millions of followers across social platforms, these AI content creators pave the way for a new engaging content format with more control for brands.

AI is here to fast-forward mundane tasks at hand. How we shortlist influencers for a brand will change. Nearly 63% of marketers are ready to take the leap and incorporate AI in their marketing strategy. In addition, about 2 out of 3 brands are already taking a helping hand from AI to pinpoint suitable influencers. AI, as a tool, is handy for creating lists of influencers based on their audience and matching them up with a brand’s objectives on the go. Not to forget the head start AI offers in coming up with ideas to create compelling content.

AI tools are being used in more ways when it comes to influencer marketing. They're good at making social media posts, creating content guides, and even making inspiring visuals. Also, AI is crucial for making virtual "try-on" sessions, aiming ads, and keeping tabs on online traffic through smart chatbots. After a purchase, AI comes into play again. It powers platforms that suggest personalized products. Amazon, for example, uses AI and machine learning to recommend products.

What do all our marketing efforts measure up to? – a question brands ask themselves now and then. How we measure influencer marketing’s effectiveness has also become smarter. Leaning into comprehensive ways of measuring is the answer. Giving more importance to numbers does not always make any difference. Placing a higher value on the total influence of your brand’s partnership with influencers is the way to go instead of fretting over unimportant metrics.

AI brings the perfect mix of tech and creativity to influencer marketing. It speeds up the process of content creation from rummaging for insights to identifying influencers across categories that resonate the most with a brand. While human influencers offer authenticity and emotional resonance, making brand messages compelling and relatable, AI influencers can be tapped upon to enhance the reach of the content further. This could balance the campaign and deepen the connection between brands and audiences.

In essence, the synergy between AI and influencer marketing represents a paradigm shift, propelling campaigns into a realm where creativity and technology converge to create compelling and resonant brand messages. The journey ahead promises a continued exploration of the potential that AI holds in revolutionizing influencer marketing strategies for brands seeking a competitive edge in the dynamic digital landscape.