Dubai based advertising agency, Spark* Middle East announces its renewed collaboration with wasl Properties & wasl Corporate for creative advertising solutions. The role has been held by Spark* for the past three years.

“wasl’s renewed partnership with Spark* Middle East is based on trust and the quality of creative services offered. I would like to extend my gratitude to wasl for choosing Spark* Middle East again as its creative partner. The extension of our partnership, is a testament of the creative and inspiring work environment that we nurture and grow”, says Yusuf Pingar, Managing Director at Spark*, in a statement to the press.

“We are glad to have joined hands with Spark*, again. The wasl-Spark* partnership has only strengthened over the past three years, and our renewed collaboration will serve as a catalyst for wasl’s growth. Spark*’s efficient management of our creative requirements will take wasl to greater heights”, says Niveen Tolba, head of marketing and corporate communication at wasl, in the same press statement.