Public relations do more than draft press releases, measure hits in the media and build relationships with key media representatives. The core base for beneficial communication is to be familiar with the attitudes and concerns of consumers, employees, public interest groups in order to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships. In addition to fulfilling their traditional role of getting a company’s message out to its audience, public relations also develops ways to bridge the lines of communication open between consumers and brands.

Public relations is a more sophisticated and molded approach that begins with a grass route method however, assures a more prolific way to reach out to the masses. At its core, public relations orbit around this universal reality: people act based upon their perception of facts. By managing or influencing people’s perceptions, public relations hope to start a sequence of behaviors that will lead to the achievement of an organization’s objectives. When those in public relations successfully create, change, or reinforce opinion through persuasion, their primary objective is accomplished. A better-educated consumer will scrap slogans and salesmanship. They won’t want to be sold. They will want to be told. They will have the tools to seek out information that will help them make best choices which the public relations industry provides.

Let’s analyze the principles of public relations:

Public relations helps build up credibility of the brand

Public relations enhances an organization’s credibility, because it’ll operate through numerous trusted intermediaries. Plus, these intermediaries communicate to a certain audience which looks to them to filter out all unnecessary information. If messages are chosen to be communicated, they’ll gain credibility due to the intermediaries’ credibility.

Public relations is precise and detailed

Public relations is less predictable due to you having to get the intermediary to comprehend your important message points and reiterate them in his/her messages. It means cautiously aligning them with an intermediary’s messages. It’ll mean knowing his needs and your audience’s needs and where your business and its messages fit within that environment.

Public relations is based on lasting relationships with key influencers

Great public relations means setting up ongoing relationships with many important influencers and therefore their key audiences and knowing how your business may become an exceptional data source for the influential.

Public relations is not advertising

It is a time consuming and labor intensive effort. It’ll mean opportunistically thinking and evaluating ‘what is news worthy’ regarding your business with a keen eye. If your business is able to do this, public relations may help it look more influential and more important.

In the end, brands have a constant concern; how to cement their relations with existing audiences and how to tap into potential new ones.  Whether you’re a huge fast-moving consumer goods corporation or a standalone business, the question always is: “How can I grow my business?”

Integrated Marketing Communications is a strategic process that boosts the blending of all the elements under the marketing mix. Public relations forms a vital part of the Integrated Marketing Campaign-frame which is proven to be the most credible source in the consumers mind. Understanding how message strategies evolve and intertwine can make public relations ideas more relevant and impactful. With the Integrated Marketing Campaign constantly evolving, it has developed its own approach to holistic communication. It is not just marketing communication reviewed with warmed over public relations concepts like relationships and stakeholders. Something novel and different is growing from the amalgamation of public relations, social media, crisis management, advertising, and promotion and this new pyramid is becoming recognizable as a distinct species with its own theories and practices.

The key takeaway is that when it comes to products customers are going to rely on trusted third parties for advice. These third parties vary widely, from mainstream media to blogs, to forums, to friends. public relations is powerful because chances are the next big purchase you make was the outcome of an article you read about the product or a review conducted by an editor. These are all the results of public relations. So while public relations is not a numbers game – it certainly hits a home run.