With its competitor Adidas being the official World Cup 2014 sponsor, Nike, which sponsors ten teams at the tournament, and over 50 percent of the boots worn on pitch , is sharing the figures on its social media presence during the month-long football bonanza.

Followers for Nike’s football channels (namely Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube) currently stand at 76 million globally, claims the brand, a number that has grown by 5.5 million since June 12, the day the World Cup kicked off. Moreover, the brand’s football app launches on July 10.

Nike’s “The Last Game” ad, part of the brand’s “#RiskEverything” campaign, is now at over 200 million views across different platforms – while the “#askzlatan” interactive part of the campaign, where the animated Zlatan Ibrahimovich responds to consumer questions in short personalized films , now has 12.3 million film views, 10.5 million digital views and over 1 million engagements. The “#RiskEverything” campaign has garnered over 380 million online views through different platforms across its three films, with 22.5 million engagements (likes, retweets, favorites, shares).

Other real-time digital content Nike  has distributed via its football social channels featuring its players and the animated players has had over 7 million engagements (likes retweets, favorites shares). Impressions of the “#RiskEverything” campaign have reached over 6 billion, 2 billion of which have been via mobile devices.