Believe it or not (because we don’t), 2022 is almost up. And what a year it's been for social media! We've seen a lot of changes with new features being rolled out and tested, while others were discontinued. Some things, however, stood out to us as major trends that will most likely continue to gain traction next year. As you're plotting your social strategies for 2023, you might want to note them down.

First and foremost, vertical videos got all the hype in 2022. These portrait-style videos have been literally everywhere that every social media platform, and other brands like Amazon and Netflix, have adopted them. And they are here to stay. As such, make sure your videos are vertical-friendly by 2023, or you'll be squashed on the newsfeed!

Additionally, TikTok has consistently stood out as the platform where trends first emerge, and then end up popping up and being replicated on Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts. So if your brand isn't already on TikTok and capitalizing on trends, it's time to get on board, or else you're missing out on relevant and timely opportunities to reach a larger audience and boost your brand’s visibility!

In terms of content, seeing the rise of BeReal with TikTok and Instagram copycatting its main feature, it is clear that real and unfiltered content will pick up traction in 2023. Content that is too perfect will be perceived as fake, filtered, and often time manipulative. So, here’s what you can do! Find an opportunity to showcase your brand in a human manner, with lots of behind-the-scenes posts, daily vlogs snippets, and transparent messaging.

It's really anyone's guesses what the social media scene will look like in 2023. Twitter could go broke, Facebook could rise from the dead and become the "it" platform for the younger generation, or we could start paying for a verified checkmark on Instagram and YouTube. So anything could happen really. But if you want to stay in the loop of all the new social media news, then we’ve got you covered. For now, here's a roundup of the most important social media headlines during November.


  • Expands its ad optimization features.
  • Adds a checkmark color scheme.
  • Tests charging content on Twitter.
  • Might get Vine back.


  • Adds a quiz feature to Community posts.  
  • Adds e-commerce tools to Shorts.
  • Allows users to watch Shorts on TV.
  • Adds a new ‘Target frequency’ feature to video campaigns. 
  • Adds ‘Smart Replies’ comment translations and suggestions.


  • Adds music to static posts.
  • Allows users to schedule their posts.


  •  Adds verification requests that are similar to Twitter.
  • Adds ‘Audience Insights’ for more demographic details.
  • Tests ‘TikTok Music’.


  • Updates its privacy settings to protect underage users.
  • Adds new Creators Week 2022 features.


  • Expands its Yellow Pages-like experience.
  • Adds ‘Communities’.


  • Launches its Professional Mode to all creators globally.


  •  Allows users to schedule their posts.


  • Adds Shopping Lenses that will allow Snapchatters to play dress-up with Amazon Fashion's eyewear models.


  • Adds RSVP with Google Registry.