
  • Is testing a new commenting feature called 'Spotlight conversations,' which will allow more focused discussions
  • New groups features from Facebook; custom colors, default emojis, community awards, and more
  • Increases users’ control over their feed, enabling better control and easier access to content preferences.


  • Is testing a ‘tips’ feature where users will be able to send money to their favorite creators
  • Introduces a ‘Creative Exchange’ platform, making it much easier for brands and creators to find one another
  • Introduces a new text-to-speech voice options


  • Stories’ links are now available to all Instagram users and no longer restricted to popular or verified accounts
  • Tests ‘Take a Break’ feature, allowing users to set reminders to take a break from the app
  • Enables the removal of individual posts from carousels
  • Introduces a new text-to-speech voice options
  • Instagram post preview cards are now available on Twitter, as Instagram links on Twitter will now show up as previews of the posts


  • NFT display options coming to Twitter soon, where users will be able to showcase their NFTs through Twitter images
  • Allows non-users to tune in to Twitter spaces; Twitter accounts are no longer needed to enjoy the Spaces broadcasts
  • Introduces profile search, where users can now easily search tweets from a specific profile
  • NFT profile pictures in Twitter will have a different hexagonal display shape
  • Improves its tweet analytics card by adding better performance insights and engagement data


  • Introduces ‘Food Scan,’ a new scanning feature where users can scan their ingredients and explore recipes.
  • Introduces a new certification course on ad optimization
  • Introduces multiple format ad options, where all creative elements will be bundled up in a single objective


  • Is adding new tools to Google Ads insights, where users will get deeper insights and new trend predictive tools
  • Announces new business features for improved holiday shopping


  • Tests having Shorts as the mobile app homepage
  • Removes video dislikes count to avoid misuse of the option