Dubai-based digital marketing agency Netizency has announced the win of McDonald’s UAE social media business, effective January 1, 2023. The agency will manage the social media strategy, content creation, community management, analytics, and social listening of McDonald’s UAE.

The agency won the business following a competitive pitch process, demonstrating its social media expertise and creativity.

"Social media is a crucial component of our marketing strategy as it helps us engage with our customers. Choosing the right agency was a challenge, but the Netizency team stood out during the pitch process for their expertise and innovative approach, and we have full confidence in their ability to deliver outstanding results", said Walid Fakih, CEO at McDonald's UAE.

Michael Maksoudian, Managing Partner at Netizency, said, “To say that this is big news for Netizency would be an understatement! This end-of-year win has upsized our portfolio and sealed yet another incredible year for the whole team. It has also started off 2023, which marks Netizency’s 10-year anniversary, with a bang! We’re thrilled to be going on this crazy ride with the McDonald’s UAE team and I can think of no better way to celebrate Netizency’s decade-young milestone than with the trust and partnership of the McDonald’s UAE team.”