Founded by His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Mohammed Al Qasimi, Ruler of Sharjah and Member of Supreme Council, NAMA Women Advancement Establishment, has put together a series of dynamic sessions in collaboration with its three other affiliates. This action-driven workshop being a part of this series, held in Expo 2020’s Women’s Pavilion was themed to challenge stereotypes often associated with women in the media and communications industry. It also delved into the portrayal of women and their roles in the contemporary media.

Along with its three affiliates – Sharjah Businesswomen Council (SBWC), Irthi Contemporary Crafts Council (Irthi), and Badiri Education and Development Academy (Badiri), NAMA will be leading roundtable debates and panel discussions till the end of March at Expo 2020. This along with several other interactive and impact-driven workshops to identify solutions to various impediments to women’s full inclusion in society and economy.

An eyeopener for communications professionals

Gender Auditor and Master Trainer, Linda Sabbarini and Joe Lipscombe, Regional Strategy Director at Ogilvy opened the stage with an introductory session. “NAMA on its own cannot do all the work, more partnerships across the communications industry need to be encouraged, in order to narrow down the gender inequality gap,” explained Sabbarini.

Participants in the room were then divided into separate groups to further study the roles and responsibilities of women in the industry in comparison to those of men. Discussions and debates moderated by the speakers were driven by first-hand experiences narrated by invited professionals from the industry.

The speakers opened the floor to any questions as well, further bringing forward perspectives on various negative connotations of men and women in media and what can be done to correct them.


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The ideal platform

With a record of over 3 million visitors from its day of opening, Expo 2020 is emerging as the single hub for building connections and advanced solutions for the future. NAMA aims to become a part of it by stimulating conversions about women empowerment in the region and by holding ground for a more gender-just future.

Commenting on the vision, Reem Bin Karam, Director at NAMA, said, “Expo 2020 Dubai underlines the UAE’s commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment as this is the first World Expo since the 1900s to have a stand-alone pavilion dedicated to women. NAMA is championing the call to action for accelerating progress on gender equity and developing an ecosystem in which women’s full potential is realised by taking these issues to the centre stage.”