Communicate’s Middle East Ads Chart is devised using data compiled by the Unruly Viral Video Chart: a comprehensive source for video sharing data around the globe since 2006 that measures share of voice and campaign effectiveness. Owned and operated by video ad tech company Unruly, it tracks and ranks the most popular videos on the web, across YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo and Vine videos from brands and agencies across the Middle East based on the amount of times the content has been shared across Facebook, Twitter and the blogosphere.

Kicking off the video chart this week is Jaguar MENA’s “The New XJ” ad, with a new view count of 14,217 over the past week. Ranking in second place, another new ad makes the list being one of three total ads on this week’s top ten from Etisalat Misr. Last week’s number one drops to the number three spot, Mobinil’s “Ramadan Song”, which gained an additional 13,200 views this week. New to this week’s list are STC, Nescafe and Rani Float ads, ranking at six, seven, and nine.

Jaguar MENA | Shares in the last 7 days: 14,216


Jaguar XJ new luxury, fully made of aluminum, more attractive than ever The new XJ, Jaguar’s all-aluminium luxury saloon, is more desirable than ever

Posted by Jaguar Middle East & North Africa – Jaguar Middle East and North Africa on Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Etisalat Misr | Shares in the last 7 days: 13,260


We all have sidekick who Bantq CAF S and exits of the letters he has Baaza, I’m doing the crown and reappearance on the ring it can be convinced and possible violin interfere response charade episode of de following link and be one of the brightest Alatnen Alvaizin

Posted by Etisalat Misr on Thursday, July 16, 2015


Mobinil | Shares in the last 7 days: 13,200



Emirates | Shares in the last 7 days: 10,401


Emirates’ Arsenal branded Boeing 777 Watch a timelapse of our Arsenal branded Boeing 777-200LR coming together & the team’s flight to Singapore #ArsenalSingapore

Posted by Emirates on Thursday, July 16, 2015


Etisalat Misr | Shares in the last 7 days: 7,326


Language Alsnaieih Maptvhmk old er who Baaz at home, look at the ring and mesh Htaraf that you yourself even Want the rest of the Alatnen Alvaizin brighter solution charade last episode of the following link de

Posted by Etisalat Misr on Saturday, July 18, 2015


STC | Shares in the last 7 days: 6,125


Halmrp five new bouquets of QuickNet chosen ones who Etbi

Posted by STC Saudi Telecom on Monday, June 29, 2015


Nescafe | Shares in the last 7 days: 5,932


Mother jewel in # Alom_venjal Tcolna claimed for the above hijacked in concert Bs joy of family Valenhaah Nsthm above

Posted by NESCAFÉ on Wednesday, July 15, 2015


Mobily | Shares in the last 7 days: 5,906


performing Umrah is easier than you may think! know how in 1 minute through this video

Posted by Mobily Mobily on Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Rani Float | Shares in the last 7 days: 5,091


Shake, Drink, Chew. Repeat! #Enjoythedifference

Posted by Rani Float on Thursday, July 16, 2015


Etisalat Misr | Shares in the last 7 days: 4,791