Communicate’s Middle East Ads Chart is devised using data compiled by the Unruly Viral Video Chart: a comprehensive source for video sharing data around the globe since 2006 that measures share of voice and campaign effectiveness. Owned and operated by video ad tech company Unruly, it tracks and ranks the most popular videos on the web, across YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo and Vine videos from brands and agencies across the Middle East based on the amount of times the content has been shared across Facebook, Twitter and the blogosphere.
Cars are dominating the scene this week, and Nissan is well in the lead with 17,031 views. Telecommunication providers are also pulling their weight on this week’s list, with Etisalat Misr coming in second, and also taking up the slot number four. Mobily occupied the top spot last week with “موبايلي” which has hung on this week, dropping to five. Jaguar MENA’s “دائما ما تذهلني جاكوار بسيارتها” made the list for a second week in a row as well, jumping up two spots from fifth place to third. Two new-comers are Gilette Middle East and Qatar Airways, taking up the final two spots.
Nissan | Shares in the last 7 days: 17,031
To go back in time a little bit and remember this challenge Patrol! What are the other challenges that would like to see from the Patrol? # ThrowBackThursday to our Patrol challenge! What other challenges would you like to see the Patrol conquer # NissanME
Posted by Nissan on Thursday, July 30, 2015
Etisalat Misr | Shares in the last 7 days: 9,862
Httsrv AZAY LE shaft before thee footmen blind Batserg? I do Cher for video and the role of the brightest person on the positive! # # Khalik_aijay Alcamara_vy_alstreet
Posted by Etisalat Misr on Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Jaguar MENA | Shares in the last 7 days: 9,757
Hamad QalamJaguar launches ‘The Art of Performance’ with creative thinker Hamad pen Jaguar Launches ‘The Art of Performance’ with Hamad Qalam
Posted by Jaguar Middle East & North Africa – Jaguar Middle East and North Africa on Saturday, July 25, 2015
Etisalat Misr | Shares in the last 7 days: 9,133
Great artist Saeed Saleh laughed Kteer its Naharda … on the anniversary of his death, we tried to offer you video of the most beautiful complex scenes to him, and who is considered evidence that the # Assana_albahjh not die
Posted by Etisalat Misr on Saturday, August 1, 2015
Mobily | Shares in the last 7 days: 7,152
performing Umrah is easier than you may think! know how in 1 minute through this video
Posted by Mobily Mobily on Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Jaguar MENA | Shares in the last 7 days: 3,532
Tzhlna always what drove the Jaguar I’ve always been an admirer of Jaguar
Posted by Jaguar Middle East & North Africa – Jaguar Middle East and North Africa on Monday, August 3, 2015
Volkswagen Middle East | Shares in the last 7 days: 2,967
Volkswagen Summer Tips: # 1Volkswagen is launching “Seven Summer Tips” you wish you knew. Watch the video below and learn about low coolant levels in your car! #SummerTipOne Launches Volkswagen “Seven Tips for Summer” wishes she knew. Watch the video below and learn more about the low level of cooling in your car
Posted by Volkswagen Middle East on Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Mobily | Shares in the last 7 days: 2,592
Gilette Arabia | Shares in the last 7 days: 2,284
#ShaveFace – Fusion ProGlide with Flexball TechnologyThe All-New Fusion Proglide with Flexball Technology – adapts to contours to make maximum contact & get virtually every hair.
Posted by Gillette Arabia – Gillette on Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Qatar Airways | Shares in the last 7 days: 2,216
Qatar Airways at Paris Air Show 2015Five aircraft on display, awarded Airline of the Year at the 2015 Skytrax Awards, and much more rounded up #QatarAirways’ presence at the 2015 Paris Air Show.
Posted by Qatar Airways on Thursday, July 30, 2015