According to the World Economic Forum, most companies still see a gender gap with women being significantly underrepresented in the corporate pipeline, and the public relations industry is no exception. In 2019, the Global Women in PR study revealed that although two-thirds of the global PR industry are women, when it comes to the boardroom it is a different story – 62% of boardrooms are male dominated.

MEPRA is proud to have 60% female representation on its board and has called on its leaders to join the International Women’s Day pledge and share their thoughts on the importance of International Women’s Day and how we can forge a gender equal world:

MEPRA Board Member and Corporate Communications VP at Tabreed, Souad Jamal Al Serkal said:

“International Women’s Day an extremely important day for you to just take a step back from being a mom, a CEO or a leader and bask in the glory of what you do.  It is not enough for people to just recognise you. It is important that you recognise yourself. The best way to reach a gender equal world is through education.  Let us educate the masses on what it means by providing equal opportunities for both female and male candidates.”

MEPRA Board Member and Managing Partner at Brazen MENA, Louise Jacobson said:

“International Women’s Day is so important because it gives us a fixed date on the calendar each year, where we can generate much needed awareness of the achievements and successes of women around the world and really unite on our plight for gender equality. We can forge a gender equal world by constantly challenging injustices and disparity on all levels, but most importantly it’s about teaching young girls that they can achieve anything they want in life.”

MEPRA Youth Board Member and Communications Consultant, Shaimaa El Nazer said:

“International Women’s Day is a reminder that women are celebrated every single day, for juggling so many balls, for speaking up, for daring to pursue their dreams and for creating an opportunity where there isn’t one for them. Opportunity should be given to those who deserve it, hence the need to equip girls at a very young age with what they need to be able to seize opportunities in their lives. Equal education opportunities are key for an equal gender world.  We have to encourage girls to venture into all fields of life.”

MEPRA Board Member and Founder and Chair at Manara Global, Teri O’Donnell said:

“Any day that makes you stop, take stock and think about an important issue of that day or time is really important.  Taking a moment to reflect and respect all of those women from around the world who have worked hard, who have taken a stand and have paved the way forward for us all as we go into 2021. We can help forge a gender equal world, by coming together, both men and women and celebrating our similarities and differences.  Why have 50% of the world population supporting and rallying behind gender parity, when we can have 100% of the world’s population.”

Concluding on why it’s important for MEPRA to call on its leaders to support International Women’s Day and what it stands for, MEPRA Executive Director, Sabrina De Palma said: “Executive leaders play a significant part in advancing gender equality, they are responsible for driving positive change by making a commitment from the top. From helping to forge an inclusive world where diversity is valued, to ensuring they create workplaces where women's careers can thrive.”