Sarah is a Media Manager responsible for several accounts within FMCG in the advertising industry. She is skilled in media and communication strategy, with a passion for revolutionizing brands within the digital transformation wave.

Why did you join this industry?

Zenith was one of my first job opportunities as a fresh graduate. Its company ideals, environment, and vision were what inspired me to join and pursue a career in media.

How did you land your first job?

After graduating with a BSc in Marketing from the Lebanese American University, I interviewed as an executive for Performics. The company soon restructured; planners were separated from performance specialists, and I became a proud Zenithian, joining the larger team where colleagues became friends and work became a passion.

Who do you look up to?

My mother, for teaching me to always strive to leave a positive imprint on others.

What’s the best advice you have received so far?

Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world.

What’s the best advice you have given so far?

Whatever you hold in your mind consistently is exactly what you will experience in your life.

How do you feel about the stigma sometimes associated with Millennials and Gen Z?

I believe we’re people with the same core values; we’re all linked by culture, religion, empathy, and many ideologies that have been passed on from each generation. Sure, interests differ; one passes time with a book and another with TikTok. It’s up to you to decide your path.

What do you think you specifically bring to the organization you work for?

At Zenith, I try to find new ways to challenge the status quo and inspire others, through my experience, to make a lasting impact in the industry. I consistently try to develop my skills through further education within the ever-developing world of media.

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned at work?

Media planners don’t really have a ‘job description’ because we invest ourselves in everything: content, influencers, website, media, research, data analysis. We never stop learning, it’s simply impossible. So, having such experiences really fuels us to bring our best to the table.

What’s the most rewarding thing about your job?

The ability to anticipate relevant trends that clients can creatively capitalize on; the client’s excitement to share media case studies within their network; the satisfaction of strategizing for new business accounts. However, keeping the trust and confidence of my clients is what gives me the green light to streamline the process.

What’s the most frustrating thing about your job?

The presence of obstacles in a day is inevitable. What’s paramount is to have a pillar of strength and reliance on my lovely team, who will help keep these obstacles at bay.

If not this, what would you be doing?

I’d be a writer.

Would you start your own venture in the future?

I’ve come to learn to plan, but never too far ahead. I’m enjoying the moment. However, I’m one for new challenges; never say never.