Being a middle child and a true Libra, Mayar is diplomatic and a natural peacemaker. She is a creative with a passion for anything design, advertising, and fashion.

With over seven years of experience, she’s worked on multiple local and multinational accounts between Cairo and Dubai, for brands across various sectors ranging from fashion and F&B to FMCG and automotive. She believes that brands play a huge, impactful role in society and should utilize their voice to raise awareness towards important issues to help better the community.

Mayar takes pride in being a citizen of the world– growing up in Riyadh, attending university in Cairo, briefly living in London, volunteering in Mauritius, and getting her Master’s degree in Florence, where she left a piece of her heart but discovered a love for shakeratos. No matter where life takes her next, she knows she is up for it.

Why did you join this industry?

Joining the industry was a series of fortunate events. However, the things that attracted me the most are the psychology, creative problem- solving, and how to create this bridge between the consumer and the product/service.

How did you land your first job?

I had been interviewing for months before landing my first opportunity in a startup branding & social media boutique agency. I started off with a probation period as I did not have a strong portfolio. I worked twice as hard and pushed myself to learn faster to kickstart my career.

Who do you look up to?

The most inspiring figures in my life are my parents. It may seem like everyone says this but it’s true. They’ve always made sure they made time for us, even with their crazy work schedule. They pushed me and supported me in my studies and eventually my work.

What’s the best advice you have received so far?

Three words, “Research, research, research,” to always reflect and appreciate how far one has come, and to keep going.

What’s the best advice you have given so far?

Everyone started somewhere. You need to stay curious, stay patient, and keep pushing.

How do you feel about the stigma sometimes associated with Millennials and Gen Z?

It’s sometimes frustrating when you are in a conversation with someone who is downplaying your challenges or struggles because, simply put, they aren’t quite grasping what you actually do or how the world works today. However, we have to keep reminding ourselves that we played, and still play, a huge role in shaping the world as we know it.

What do you think you specifically bring to the organization you work for?

My passion in creating visually interesting and fresh pieces of work; my diverse background that helps me deliver and understand the market better; lastly, my commitment and passion that help me push each project/brief a bit further.

What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned at work?

I’ve learnt that I must speak up and voice my thoughts, opinions, or concerns. At first, it might seem intimidating but with time, you learn its importance and how it will reflect greatly on the work you deliver.

What’s the most rewarding thing about your job?

Honestly, reading the comments on the digital campaigns/social content we create and the feedback from friends and family.

What’s the most frustrating thing about your job?

You always have to be in tune with what’s happening and updated with the latest technology because missing out on one could lead to a missed opportunity of creating something great.

If not this, what would you be doing?

My second option would have been to become a lawyer. Intellectually, it’s very rewarding. The problem-solving, analyzing, innovative thinking, and an opportunity to help others are things that I enjoy and that are part of who I am.

Would you start your own venture in the future?

Without a doubt! It may not be in the near future as I feel I have much more to learn, but it’s one of my major career goals.