From left to right: Yousef Tuqan, Ema Linaker, Raja Trad

In a press statement today, Leo Burnett/Publicis Group MENA announced the regional launch of global award-winning agency Holler. As part of its scope of business, Holler will orchestrate end-to-end digital strategies – encompassing social and mobile. Based in Dubai, the agency will offer its services to Leo Burnett/Publicis Group MENA’s entire portfolio of agencies.

Founded in 2001 and headquartered in London, Holler first joined the Leo Burnett Group in 2011. According to the statement, Holler’s vision since its inception “has been to deliver all-encompassing communications solutions designed to build brand growth through cultural relevance. Holler’s mission is to rely on best-in-class strategic thinking to craft campaigns that focus on people and their behaviors”.

Regionally, the agency will use actionable insights to create relevant content and targeted messaging, formulated to spark real-time consumer engagement across channels.

Below is the full range of the agency’s capabilities:


“In recent years, media consumption habits across the MENA region have starkly redefined the marketing landscape, reflecting a strong need for an integrated approach to communications solutions,” explains Raja Trad, CEO of Leo Burnett/Publicis Group MENA in the statement, adding “by 2015, more than 413 million people will be connected to the Internet*. Last year alone, we executed successful digital strategies for more than 40 percent of our clients in the MENA region.

Yousef Tuqan, chief innovation officer at Leo Burnett/Publicis Group MENA, adds: “A leader in social marketing and planning, Holler brings to the region a wealth of digital knowledge and cutting-edge tools that are key to any brand’s survival in today’s complex social media age”.

Ema Linaker will be heading the agency as regional director. “Designed to offer word-of-mouth marketing at scale, Holler helps brands drive consumer engagement in today’s multi-channel world,” states Linaker. “Our role is to help clients tap into all consumer touch points and, more importantly, remain relevant, creative and useful. We strongly believe that this particular approach will put the ‘social’ back into ‘social media’ and enable people to serve as the medium of our message.”

*According to Internet World Statistics.