CEO – FP7McCann MENAT – McCann Health ME – Momentum ME – Commonwealth McCann – CRAFT

People Leader or Thought Leader?

They are rarely mutually exclusive, but if I had to choose, I’d prefer to be a People Leader. While many are exceptionally intelligent and visionary, their brilliance can remain purely academic without the ability to mobilize people into action. However, as a people leader, one who attracts visionary thinkers and selflessly supports their ambitions, you can make a more significant difference — in work, in life, and in creating a meaningful impact in the world.


Regional Managing Director – McCann Health Middle East

Secret Sauce for a fulfilling work culture?

The secret sauce is appreciation. When people feel appreciated and valued in what they do, they give it their all and go the extra mile to make things happen! 


CEO – Admitad

People Leader or Thought Leader?

It’s a blend of both. As a leader with a goal or idea, it’s crucial to actively engage others to grasp and embrace the concept, fostering a shared enthusiasm. Without the right team, your idea remains just that — an idea, rather than an executed project. Thus, it’s more like being a mentor to the team, making sure people have the same vision.

Secret sauce for a fulfilling work culture?

It lies in viewing everything through the prism of humor. Whether encountering success or, more importantly, facing problems, maintaining a positive outlook is key. It facilitates recognizing mistakes, making improvements, and moving forward. People’s smiles and laughter are the most motivating assets. In the end, it’s all about having fun and enjoying good times. Additionally, fostering a team spirit involves acting as a team while nurturing a culture of individual appreciation and recognition.


PR Director – Sherpa Communications 

People Leader or Thought Leader?

I lean towards being a People Leader as I believe valuing people is one of the core pillars of any business. The reason is simple: the heart of our success lies in our team. By focusing on their growth, well-being, and professional development, we inadvertently nurture thought leadership. This people-first approach has been instrumental in creating a thriving, innovative, and resilient company that withstands the dynamic nature of the public relations industry.

Secret sauce for a fulfilling work culture?

Our ‘secret sauce’ is a combination of open communication, recognition, and continuous learning. We encourage transparent dialogues, celebrate achievements, and foster an environment where learning is constant. We cultivate a culture of ‘sharing and caring’ instead of a hierarchy that creates distance between team members. At Sherpa, we focus on developing these values not as a business but as a platform that provides people with the right opportunities to grow. This approach empowers our team and fosters a sense of belonging and purpose.


General Manager – Commonwealth McCann 

People Leader or Thought Leader?

I’d say People Leader! Believing in your team is the most fundamental part of leadership. It’s simply impossible to perform a leadership role if one doesn’t trust their team, doesn’t inspire confidence in them, and doesn’t provide them with the space to bring out the best of them. As Steve Jobs says, “It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and tell them what to do; hire smart people so they tell us what to do.” 

Secret sauce for a fulfilling work culture?

If you ask an Italian what’s the secret recipe for making delicious pasta, he’ll tell you the ‘ingredients.’ There’s no secret recipe here, it’s all about the people! We do what we do because we love what we do; it’s our passion, our eagerness to create great stories, and our respect for one another. We believe in our talents, we care for them, we nurture them, and we passionately work hand in hand with our clients.


People & Culture Manager – Entourage

People Leader or Thought Leader?

A people’s leader and a thought leader are not interchangeable. The two are rather intertwined attributes, and I would choose the combination of the two – a visionary. With vision comes clarity and perspective, which leads ambition to constantly excel and embrace change, while inspiring others in due course. Thus emerges the true leader who inspires the people and influences the culture, to scale new heights of success. 

Secret sauce for a fulfilling work culture?

Our vibrant and thriving culture has its roots in our human-centric approach, which is integral to our overall business strategy and day-to-day ongoings. A strong sense of belonging to a solid team, the feeling of pride in the work we create, and growing together are ingrained in our environment. The focus on training & development along with rewards programs helps us nurture and show our appreciation to our people.


Managing Director – TishTash Communications

People Leader or Thought Leader?

People Leader. As leaders, we see our core responsibility being to nurture, mentor, and create leaders of the future, and you can only do this by developing a culture that is people first. I believe that TishTash’s success is, in large part, down to the beautiful partnership that Natasha, our CEO and Founder, and I have. Natasha is an incredible thought leader in the industry, whereas more of my time is focused on ensuring our team remembers fulfilled and supported day-to-day.

Secret sauce for a fulfilling work culture?

We are fortunate that TishTash is completely self-funded. Any initiatives that Natasha and I want to develop can be done quickly. Our ability to be agile means that we can constantly innovate depending on what we are seeing happening in the real world, and respond to the needs of our team. For example, our formalized policy on menstrual and menopause leave was born from seeing some of the challenges our own people faced firsthand, as well as conversations happening globally.


Founder & CEO – Umami Comms

People Leader or Thought Leader?

These are not mutually exclusive, but you cannot be a thought leader without being a leader of people. If you lead people in the right way, you unlock more thought leadership and creativity from within your team organically. Leaders cannot think in isolation all the time. On the contrary, it is far more effective and responsible to make decisions or create a solution based on core leadership thoughts or data. I believe that leadership is about listening and supporting your people to achieve a purpose or common goals. 

Secret sauce for a fulfilling work culture?

First and foremost, it’s about trust, and this is a two-way street. Management should trust their teams, and vice-versa. When a team is built on trust, it unlocks productivity and creativity. With this, you get unity, ownership, liberties, and a level of freedom to make mistakes. This creates a desire to do well for all involved, whether that be other team members or clients. Ultimately, everyone feels like they are making a difference for one another, and that is fulfilling. The best teams are all built on trust.


CEO – Havas Middle East

People Leader or Thought Leader?

People leader because we’re all about growing great talent. We believe in empowering our team members through effective training, inspiring them, and then stepping back to let them shine. Our collaborative spirit is fundamental to our DNA and drives us to consistently achieve outstanding results. 

Secret sauce for a fulfilling work culture?

At Havas, our culture thrives on collaboration and generosity. Our leaders emphasize creating a space where everyone can be their true selves, encouraging mutual support. This approach not only nurtures individual talents but also shapes future leaders. It’s about building a community within our workplace where everyone’s contributions are valued, and growth is a collective journey.

This piece was first published in Communicate's inaugural Best Places to Work 2023 issue.