MMS, the joint Swedish media measurement committee, and Ipsos Connect MediaCell have partnered in a new test project to determine if the current accuracy of TV viewing measurement can be accomplished with more cost effective technologies, for example, using mobile devices to replace traditional peoplemeters. The test project has commenced with the development of a TV household panel, that will be surveyed throughout the Spring and Summer in Sweden.

“If this project meets our exacting requirements then this could be very exciting and have great potential,” says MMS vice president, Pirjo Svedberg, in a press statement.

The details of the technology involve the MediaCell Household Peoplemeter which is essentially a specific mobile tablet provided to the household to replicate the functionality of a traditional peoplemeter.

The initiative aims for the economic advantage of the use of mobile technologies to reduce the cost required to measure the Household Viewing. In other words, the economics will allow larger panels, which in turn will increase the accuracy of the measurement, even for smaller channels. It should also then increase the granularity of the reporting audiences.

The project is scheduled to run throughout May-July 2015 and will include nine TV channels.

“We are also looking to potentially monitor viewing in summer houses over the holiday season,” states Pirjo Svedberg.

“This is a tremendously exciting opportunity for our MediaCell technology and we are delighted to be working with MMS on this project,” says Ipsos Connect MediaCell Commercial Director, Jim Ford.