With the ongoing pandemic affecting the globe, social media platform Instagram has partnered with the World Health Organization (WHO) to tackle misinformation being spread online- in an effort to ensure the online community is safe, well informed on COVID-19 and following the appropriate health guidelines.

Keeping our community informed

With the influx of news being circulated on the advancements and safety tips surrounding COVID-19, the platform is removing known harmful misinformation related to the novel virus.

  • When users tap on a hashtag related to COVID-19, Instagram shows resources from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and respective local health ministries, which are also available at the top of users’ feeds. This helps us better connect people to credible resources.
  • Posts that may be misleading are sent to the platform’s fact-checking partners for review.
  • The platform is also blocking and restricting hashtags that are being used to spread misinformation.
  • The platform has also put a complete ban on ads exploiting the situation.

The platform is figuring out a longer-term solution, to help connect people with credible information when they search for COVID-19 related terms. Currently, the search results show profiles of leading health organizations to better connect people to credible resources.

Managing COVID-19 related AR effects

Instagram will no longer allow people to search for COVID-19 related AR effects on the platform unless they were developed in partnership with a recognized health organization. This is part of their ongoing effort to better connect people with credible health information.

Collaboration with WHO and @Dudewithsign

Dudewithsign, a popular Instagram handle; shared a series of memes on the platform, that was inspired by guidance from the  WHO, to share accurate information about how to prevent the spread of Coronavirus.

(Photo Credits @dudewithsign)

WHO(@who) is using IGTV and creative meme formats to make sure that accurate information about the virus can reach broader audiences, and teens who use Instagram as a source for news. One example is the video below which tells people how to protect themselves from getting infected by the virus.

As stated in the video, the most effective way to prevent infection is by washing your hands frequently with soap. In response to that, the WHO created the #SafeHands Challenge as a way to induce people to wash their hands properly and frequently.