The Michael Page salary and skills guide provides an overview of market and employment trends, including observations such as job seekers’ sentiments, while also highlighting salary trends per role within each industry. The report listed four key job market trends which were prevalent in the region:

  1. The top reasons for people living and working in the Middle East are because of career prospects, salary and standard of living.
  2. The top three aspects, employees are most satisfied with their job are – current industry/sector, level of responsibility and their manager.
  3. 42% will consider leaving a company that lacks professional growth opportunities.
  4. 80% of candidates are positive about the future of the job market situation.

The Marketing industry presented some interesting skills which are currently trending in the market:

  • There is a growing need for leadership/team-management skills as resources and teams grow thin.
  • With a decrease in projects and the rise in competition, employers are not in the position to hire candidates from different industries.
  • In an effort to upskill and manage the blow in headcount, current professionals are asked to manage multiple categories.

Communicate spoke to Ali Nomani, consultant-marketing at Michael Page Middle-East to understand more about these trends and how to prepare for the future.

With regards to the supply and demand for talent in the region, how did the marketing discipline fare overall in 2019?

The hiring activity was slower than usual throughout the year. Many businesses are still focusing on short-term revenue generation versus equity building, and marketing is not seen as an immediate revenue-driving function [at the moment.]

With the blow in headcount,  is the current marketing talent able to juggle multiple hats?

It’s certainly difficult to juggle, but multitasking is a skill that marketers need to build on, in order to stay relevant.

What would you recommend to the upcoming fresh batch of graduates with regard to job opportunities and experience for marketing roles?

Marketing is in a transitional era. With technology evolving, marketers need to be adept at digital marketing, in order to leverage big data and drive targeted campaigns. Adaptability and understanding of multiple functions of the business are also going to be critical because marketing is at the core of every consumer business.