You may have noticed a new breed of entrepreneurs on the rise—the influpreneur. While traditional entrepreneurs start businesses based on a product or service they offer, influpreneurs create businesses based primarily on their influence. In other words, they're using their social media following, blog readership, or podcast listenership to create a business. And it's working.

As entrepreneurs, we know that influence is everything. The more people who are influenced by our product or service, the more successful we'll be.

So what are the benefits of being an influpreneur? Why not just stick to traditional entrepreneurship? Here are a few reasons.

Success in any field requires a certain amount of networking and relationships. As an influpreneur, you have a built-in audience from the start. Your fans are passionate about your work and any opportunity to connect with you on a personal or business level is one they'll jump at.

Influpreneurs can make money through multiple revenue streams. They can create businesses to handle influencer sponsorships with brands, sell products through affiliate links, and manage influencers’ work with businesses to promote their services. There are endless opportunities for talented and creative influencers to become influpreneurs and make a great income.

Influpreneurs can use their clout to get access to otherwise unattainable resources. They can leverage their influence to secure speaking opportunities and access to exclusive events. If you have social capital, you can easily deploy it to get what you need in order to succeed in your business.

An influpreneur can also build a personal brand that will serve as valuable career capital down the line. A strong personal brand can help you stand out in the job market and make it easier to find opportunities.

Influpreneurs can have a greater impact because they’re reaching more people with their message. Their followers trust their recommendations, so their products or services are more likely to get noticed. Ultimately, this can lead to increased sales and brand awareness.

Influpreneurs can create content that entertains and informs while promoting their business. With their vast social media followings and through tools such as blog posts, YouTube videos, [or] podcast episodes, influencers have the unique ability to captivate audiences and promote products or services in a way that traditional advertising methods simply can't match. When done right, this type of content can be hugely successful in driving sales and engagement.

It is easier for influpreneurs to build relationships with other influencers in their space to further grow their reach and impact. By developing a supportive network of peers, influpreneurs can amplify their reach and impact in business.

Influpreneurs enjoy increased name recognition and media attention. This can result in greater opportunities for these individuals to expand their brand, build their following, and participate in more promotional activities.

Influencers are important players in the entrepreneurship space. They can further expand the entrepreneurial ecosystem by setting an example for others. Influpreneurs can help inspire and mentor aspiring entrepreneurs by providing access to resources, networks, and knowledge.

Through their social media channels, influpreneurs can share stories of successes and failures that will inspire others to pursue their own entrepreneurial dreams. Influpreneurs can help influencers get started by offering advice on how to find funding, navigate regulations, establish partnerships, and market products or services. Additionally, influpreneurs can host events such as webinars or local meetups that allow budding entrepreneurs to network and learn from each other’s experiences. By providing insight into the real-world challenges associated with launching a business, influencers play an invaluable role in fostering a culture of entrepreneurship.

There are countless benefits to being an influpreneur—benefits that traditional entrepreneurs simply don't have access to. If you're thinking about starting a business, you should consider leveraging your influence to do it. Not only will you be more successful as a result, but you'll also have more fun and enjoy greater fulfillment along the way.