So, why is everyone talking about influencers during big sales events like Black Friday and Cyber Monday, you ask?

Think about it. These days are goldmines for brands, and guess who's leading the charge? Yep, influencers. It's like a match made in marketing heaven.

Image above: Sahil Chopra, Founder & CEO, iCubesWire

It’s Showtime For Brands

White Friday and Cyber Monday aren't just any days; they're like the Super Bowl for marketers. Ever noticed how everyone's eagerly waiting for these days? It's when brands and advertisers really need to up their game, and guess what's their go-to strategy lately? Yep, influencer marketing. This trend is changing the whole advertising landscape for how brands sell during festivals and big sale events. Using social media influencers to shout out about products or services is turning out to be more effective than ever.

Influencer Marketing Is The Rising Star

It's booming, folks! From a $21.1 billion industry, it's growing big time. Especially in the Middle East, where it's expected to hit $1.3 billion. Around 80% of marketers are shifting their funds from old-school TV and print to influencers. Why? Because people just love influencer content more than traditional ads.

Marketers Are Going All The Way With It

With over 90% of marketers betting on influencer marketing and 72%* saying it grabs customer attention like nothing else, it's no surprise that many brands are now focusing solely on this strategy. Influencer content isn't just seen as an ad; it's more like a friend giving you a genuine recommendation.

Trust Is The Key

Did you know over 61% of consumers totally trust influencers' opinions? It's incredible how influencers have earned this credibility. They're helping people make smarter choices, especially during big sale events like White Friday.

Big Sale Events + Influencers = More Sales

With more and more shoppers (a whopping 65%, preferring to shop online*), influencers have the upper hand in influencing these digital shoppers. They've got what it takes – the followers, the credibility, the content that engages, and the power to influence

Influencers Get People Talking

If people are talking about your product, half of your job is done. Influencers create authentic, relatable content that sparks brand-consumer conversations. This powerful influencer-content marketing combo is now becoming a global trend, and Arab influencers are leading the charge in various sectors like beauty, fashion, and tech.

With its incomparable engagement and growth, influencer marketing has become an indispensable tool in modern marketing strategy. With White Friday and Cyber Monday, leveraging influencers is seen as the best strategy to tap into the events' huge potential.

* – Results based on surveys conducted by iCubes Wire.