Impact BBDO is the first agency in the South West Asia, Middle East and North Africa region (SWANA) to win a Best in Show Bravery ANDY Award. The award was given to "The Elections Edition" campaign, honoring the consistently successful partnership between Impact BBDO and AnNahar Newspaper. The campaign was also awarded a Gold for Idea and received the accolade of Best of Region.

Horizon FC Dubai, also won Gold in Craft and Idea for the campaign “Breakchains with Blockchain” for the Children of Female Prisoners’ Association.

The International ANDY Awards define their Bravery accolade as "the element that is attributed to the most forward creative thinking, as it is both an ambition and a belief. The ANDYs formally honor the collaboration between the creative agency and their brand marketer who ultimately takes the risk."

The ANDYs recognize five major categories. The major winners this year include:

Best In Show Idea -GRANDY: "Apologize The Rainbow," Skittles, DDB Chicago + DDB New York

Best In Show Bravery: "The Elections Edition," AnNahar Newspaper, Impact BBDO

Best In Show Reset: "I Will Always Be Me," Dell Technologies & Intel, VMLY&R

Best In Show Public Service – Social Good: "The Last Photo," CALM & ITV, adam&eveDDB

Best In Show Student – "The Glenn C. Smith & $10,000 Scholarship: Building Blocks," LEGO, Openlearn Academy

Speaking on the win, Ali Rez, Chief Creative Officer at Impact BBDO Group MENAP, said, “All great campaigns have one essential common ingredient: a courageous client. We are honored to have such a meaningful relationship with a brand partner that is relentlessly brave, and open to innovative solutions. This award is dedicated to all those in the Middle East who are bravely pushing the boundaries of creativity increasingly every year.”

The 59th Annual Andy Awards ceremony will be held on May 10, 2023, in New York City.