Havas Red Middle East, the micro-network of borderless merged media agencies, announced the launch of Peaks, a multichannel executive branding service designed to help C-suite executives develop a personal brand that's authentic, compelling, and aligned with their corporate identity.

Offered to brands across UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Oman, the mission of Peaks is to work with senior executives to strategically create and develop leadership brands that speak to desired constituencies. 

"This is a pivotal moment for leaders to establish and uphold a favorable image. The pressure on leaders to demonstrate their organizations' commitment to their fundamental principles has significantly increased, and this is further emphasized by the constant and wide-reaching news coverage in today's interconnected world," said Dana Tahir, Managing Director, Havas Red Middle East.

"Today, C-suite leaders need more than just a professional image – they need a personal brand that genuinely resonates. Havas Red recognizes the crucial role of purpose-driven communication, and Peaks meets the demand for innovative global approaches. We're excited to empower leaders and make a lasting meaningful impact,” said Mathilde Montel, Senior Communications Director – Corporate, Havas Red Middle East. 

Peaks offers valuable services customized for each client, across a wide spectrum of executive personal branding needs, such as:

  • Enhanced awareness of personal brand, PR, and communications impact will result in personal, professional, and corporate alignment.
  • Brand expression and communications plan documents including personalized principles, guidance, and timetables covering the key action points.
  • Cause profile development including charity and non-profit board involvement recommendations and introductions.
  • A multi-channel program to launch a personal brand online, including social media.
  • Representation for the speaking circuit, including identifying the appropriate circuit and the right public speaking opportunities.

Earlier this year, HAVAS Red introduced SWAY by Havas Red, an end-to-end influencer marketing service. Last year, it added Red Impact, a global offering that brings together its ESG and sustainability expertise and capabilities from across the world. Other global offerings from Havas Red include Havas Red Health, a specialized offering focused on health and wellness, and Red Connect, a B2B content marketing practice.