On Thursday, Facebook opened its new office as a testament to its growth in the region – 264 percent growth in the past five years in MENA, to be precise.

When the office first launched five years ago, it was basically two people and a couple of chairs, said Jonathan Labin, managing director, MENAP, Facebook. The new office, which is located in Dubai Knowledge Village, is a sprawling 20,000 square feet space housing approximately 60 people.

The office features commissioned pieces from Emirati artist Eman Al Hashemi, making her the first artist from the Arab world to join Facebook’s Global Artist in Residence program. The regional flavor is also evident in the meeting rooms, which have names such as, ‘Three Men and a Habibi’, ‘Shawarma’,‘Yalla Habibi’, and ‘Gone with the Sandstorm’

Designed by INC Group and JLL MENA, the office features an open plan, a mother’s room, an interfaith room, a majlis, with recreational and quiet rooms. The office also features a private terrace an extensive gaming section.

Check it out here: