Jessica Usenbor

Platforms & Capabilities Lead – Programmatic at OMG


My initial perception was that programmatic was a complex landscape that enhances digital media transaction methodology between publishers and brands. It was smart and forward-thinking. The foundation to drive effectiveness and eliminate wastage hones in on personalized targeting and the ability to close the loop on digital efforts was becoming a reality for marketers. With any early stage adoption, there were challenges. In this case, it was measurement and brand safety, limited visibility on audience performance and high-level targeting. Yet, it was still an exciting and perfect time for this shift. It brought on more insights and empowered marketeers to challenge the status quo more than ever before.

Fast track to today, the programmatic landscape has become a more straightforward technology ecosystem. Brands are now able to see the impact programmatic has on their business and marketeers can leverage richer quality data and customized bidding and optimization algorithms. Ultimately, programmatic is critical to brands’ digital transformation journey and with the enrichment of their first-party data in a soon-to-be cookie-less space, it becomes the foundation of digital strategies.