Candice D’Cruz

VP Luxury Brand Marketing & Management EMEA at Marriott International

Programmatic tends to sound complex, and when I first heard about it, I honestly didn’t fully comprehend what it stood for. However, one aspect that was clear was the word itself being a combination of two: program and automatic. At the very first instance, it meant using programs or software to make automated yet informed decisions for ad buying, ad management and measuring reach and effectiveness.

Of course, over a period of time, one has come to understand the concept a lot better. Simultaneously the concept itself has also evolved to better cater to the changing consumer landscape. Programmatic can help in understanding audiences and their behavior, and as such better plan and optimize strategies to make campaigns more effective for both budget and eventual reach. Today, programmatic is an integral part of our campaigns, especially when we live in an era of one-to-one conversations.