Alex Malouf
Corporate Communications Director MEA at Schneider Electric

It’s the Cornetto song. It evokes memories of Italians and gondolas, of a summer ice cream treat, and of a really fun, simple time. 

Amr Younis
Creative Production Lead at Socialize

One of the most iconic ad songs in my country (Egypt), that had such an impact on my childhood, was a jingle for a mosquito repellent (the ones you heat in a device), KITO. The jingle was basically a cover for the Beatle’s “I Feel Fine and was accompanied by a hand-drawn cartoon. Besides the catchy tune, the reason why it succeeded was that it tackled the main pain that comes with having mosquitos in the house: sleepless nights. Everyone in the family recited the jingle as soon as they saw a random mosquito flying around. The cartoon was quite impressive for a child in the 80s, which made it even more memorable.

Egyptian jingles really influenced my decision to work in advertising and pursue a career where I can also create jingles of my own – luckily, I can tick that off my bucket list. From a very young age, I took guitar lessons, learned music production, played in various bands, and was able to create my first jingle back when I was an account manager for a theme park. Nothing beats listening to your very own jingle being played on the radio. 

Gisele Makary
Social Strategist at DDB Dubai

You can’t not know it, right? It’s McDonald’s, and that means it’s time for a Big Mac, Happy Meal, ice cream, and fries 😀

Like any other kid, I obviously loved burgers, fries, and the Happy Meals that came with those surprise toys. I’ve even made a small collection. So, knowing this jingle well and growing fond of it was just natural. Not to mention that, as a teenager, I was also a Justin Timberlake fan (who wasn’t, right?). When he actually sang the “I’m Lovin’ It” song, it became even more memorable! (“Parapapapa, I’m lovin’ it!”)

Now, although I became a vegetarian, I still actually hum that jingle whenever I order their fries, McFlurry, and their deluxe veggie burger – which I’ve become more fond of lately! So yes, it’s still pretty much stuck with me 🙂

After all, there must be something epic about this all-time jingle as it probably ties to the fast-food chain’s longest-running marketing campaign in its 80-year history. 

Saadi Alkouatli
Creative Director at Leo Burnett KSA

Because our imagination runs wild when we are young and anything is possible.

Sachin Mendonca
Strategy Director at Geometry MENA

Not quite a jingle, or maybe it kinda is. Britney Spears’ “Hit Me Baby One More Time.” I know how it looks, believe me, but this is not a troll, so just hear me out.

Picture 1999 and how this song took over every radio station around the globe. For a few like myself that weren’t exactly into the pop genre, this was absolute torture. Around the same time, I had just picked up the guitar and started doing live performances around Dubai. Every other gig, someone would literally request that song. I usually thought it was a joke… but mostly it was out of a genuine love for the artist/track. Save me!

Then, one fateful day, MTV played a ‘mock’ ad for a kebab shop featuring the track. And I found it absolutely hilarious. And thanks to the magic of the Internet, it’s still out there.

Then it hit me (pun intended), I should make a fun version of the track; something that I would enjoy performing and would also allow me to honor the audience request. 

Full disclosure, after doing this version over the past years, I realized just how dark and ‘un’ pop the track really is… 

“My loneliness is killing me

When I’m not with you I lose my mind

Hit me… one more time!”

Yikes! For 2020, am I right?

Long story long, here is my version of it. Unfortunately, I’ve got a comically less-than-average voice. Luckily, I’ve always had talented vocalists around me when I had to do the track back when I still did live performances. But for now, this is the best I can do.

Chirag Desai,
Founder and CEO of Amaeya Media

There are so many to choose from really – the 90s was quite the era for jingles! A few come to mind but if I narrow it down, I think the two that I remember most often are Vicks and Nescafé. Vicks is immensely quotable for the smallest throat irritations and in many ways, it remains my default lozenge when I’m feeling down and out – I do think it’s really effective though, and it’s not just about the jingle.

For the video, I went with Nescafé; it was my first introduction to coffee at an age when I survived on things like Bournvita and my parents were intense tea drinkers – the idea of starting your day right may have influenced my current snobby coffee persona (which sadly means I do not go anywhere near a cup of Nescafé ;))