Communicate’s upcoming issue, September 2019, is deep-diving into a topic that is close to our hearts: Creativity.

As part of the issue, we look to see some work from creative people themselves. You can be a resident anywhere in the MENA region.

Write a fiction piece, a poem or any other type of creative format tackling creativity in one way or the other and you might be published.

The rules for entries are the following:

1- Your piece should run no more than 1,600 words

2- You can write about the future, technology or creativity

3-The deadline for submission of entries is August 15. Send them to [email protected], with the title: Creative Writing Entries for September 2019

4-The work will be evaluated by three editors who will select one story to be published in the print edition. Other stories will be considered for online publication. Publishing is not guaranteed.

Unleash your creativity and send us your most creative work!

We look forward to read it!