The campaign, curated by Cadillac and Saatchi & Saatchi showcases three of the most talented Arab artists’ artwork – Nora Zeid, Rex Chouk, and Raphaelle Macaron. The illustrations are built on the idea of enjoying the small moments in life such as driving.   

The title "Ramadan Cruises" evokes the brand's DNA of comfort and calm, while the campaign's message "Experience a serene journey" captures the essence of Ramadan – a time of introspection and inner peace. With LYRIQ being the first-ever electric vehicle for Cadillac, it offers an experience that enables customers to find comfort and peace amidst the noise of everyday life.

Akshaya Sikand, Head of Marketing for Cadillac discusses the concept of the campaign and its storytelling element and how such campaigns manage to drive impact during the holy month.

In image: Akshaya Sikand, Head of Marketing, Cadillac

The campaign is an interesting example of using art and storytelling to immerse viewers in a journey. What else can brands do to connect with their audience during Ramadan when communicating with them?

To connect with audiences during Ramadan, brands not only need to create content that aligns with the unique needs and interests of their audience, but they also need to blend seamlessly and naturally into what they are already enjoying. We are seeing more and more that consumers don’t want ads, they want compelling and engaging content that feeds into their entertainment time. Therefore, interesting and engaging storytelling that hits audiences at the right time and speed, results in meaningful connections and recall way beyond the holy month.

Cadillac's "Ramadan Cruises" digital campaign shows exactly this, by using art and storytelling to create a compelling journey that resonates with viewers. By collaborating with talented illustrators and featuring the Cadillac LYRIQ EV as the hero in each piece, we have successfully showcased our commitment to innovation and sustainability while immersing the audience in reflection and demonstrating the importance of slowing down during this spiritual month.

What insight does this campaign feed on? Who is the target audience? 

The digital campaign feeds on the insight that Ramadan is a time for reflection and slowing down, but in today's fast-paced world, this can be a challenge. The target audience are individuals who are looking for a moment of stillness amidst the busyness of their daily lives. 

To tell this story, we collaborated with three prolific artists in the region; Nora Zeid, Rex Chouk, and Raphaelle Macaron, who used their unique animation styles to create three different stories that inspire viewers to find peace despite the noise. The campaign's message and execution have resonated with the target audience through its stunning imagery but powerful underlying message, making it an influential tool for building brand awareness and engagement during Ramadan.

Working with creators is always a challenge for brands, especially in a case where a brand is looking to deliver a particular message. What was it like for this campaign?

Working with creators can be a challenge for brands, but for this digital campaign, it was not a challenge at all. The artists we worked with – Nora Zeid, Rex Chouk, and Raphaelle Macaron – created stunning pieces that connected well with the campaign's objective of stillness and reflection during Ramadan. Nora Zeid, the Dubai-based Egyptian illustrator designed a black and white illustration of urban landscapes that captured the serene nature of a cruise perfectly. Rex Chouk created a candy-colored artwork that was inspired by Saudi touchpoints but designed to speak to the modern Arab. Finally, Raphaelle Macaron's comic-book style art captured viewers' hearts and minds with its unique blend of French comic book and US graphic novel influences. Each artist brought their own unique perspective and style to the campaign, resulting in a collection of moving pictures that truly immersed viewers in the journey. Through collaboration with these talented artists, we were able to deliver a visually stunning and compelling campaign that resonated with the Middle East audience during Ramadan.

How can the automotive industry leverage the holy month to drive customer acquisition and retention?

Middle East and North Africa during Ramadan is prime buying season, with 82% of MENA consumers saying their consumption of goods and services increases during the holy month. Auto is usually at the heart of this, with a slew of special offers and deals becoming synonymous and expected during this period. However, the occasion is also a significant opportunity for the automotive industry to connect with customers beyond promotional offers at a dealership level. 

As social media and entertainment consumption increases during the month, brands, including auto, need to be thinking carefully about their content and their channel mix. Communication more than ever needs to be a two-way street; it is not enough just to put out great content, brands need to listen and engage when their audiences talk back. It is this sense of community that differentiates brands from the pack and drives customer acquisition and retention.