The Advertising Business Group (ABG) is delighted to support the second wave of the Global DEI Census which is now live in 34 markets.

The main goal of the census is to measure the state of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the marketing and advertising industry, as well as people’s sense of belonging and absence of discrimination, in order to monitor progress on the results of the inaugural 2021 census and identify key areas where change is needed.

The first census found that one in seven people would consider leaving their company or the industry due to a lack of diversity and inclusion, going up to one in four in some markets.

Since the first global census, the World Federation of Advertisers has published a Charter for Change, outlining how marketers can take key steps to improve knowledge of their specific challenges as well as experiences for members of their organizations.

The second wave will allow to measure progress and provide the necessary insights to identify where improvements are needed to drive further change. Given the importance of this initiative, ABG and its members strongly supported the first edition of the census and hope you can support the second wave.

Leyal Eskin, ABG Chair and Unilever Vice President – Head of Personal Care Business Arabia, said, “While we have all been focusing on digital innovations and technologies which will make the industry more productive and efficient, it’s important that we don’t take our eyes off the human side – because only by building a diverse, equitable and inclusive workforce will we able to attract new talent and ensure a sustainable industry for years to come.

“We need everyone in the GCC’s ad & marketing industry to fill in the Global Census, as it serves as a vital ‘barometer’ on where we are with DEI, and it will provide us with vital information on the key priorities and challenges we need to address.”

The Global DEI Census is supported by WFA, VoxComm, Campaign, Kantar, Advertising Week, Cannes Lions, Effie Worldwide, IAA, Global Web Index (GWI), ICAS, EASA, and many of our members. More than 150 organizations operating at a global, regional, and local level have joined forces to run this research. That makes this effort one of the biggest collaborations in the history of the global marketing industry.

To take part in the survey, click here. The findings will be presented in June in time for the Cannes Lions.

The full results and analysis from Wave 1, which covered 27 markets and attracted more than 10,000 responses, can be seen here.