No, Moms, old skool community management isn’t done anymore. That’s kind of Content 1.0. This is Content 3.7. Now, we set up communities using more pieces of tech than fingers on your hands. I pass by two of our team members who are reviewing our latest implementation for a new community that is going live next week.


“Hey guys, how’s it going?”


“The content supply chain is almost set, but we’re having an issue with one or two of the APIs still [note to Moms: API = Application Programming Interface – how two pieces of tech are connected]. But everything else is testing well.”


“This is the Big Kahuna, right?” (btw, that’s a Tarantino quote, Moms)


“Yep – full ecosystem: bilingual website, eCom, social, app, email marketing program… Heading over to workshop now. Wanna join?”


“You know I’d never pass up a chance to attend another meeting, right? *smile* Keep me posted.”


Collaboration has always been part of our way of doing things. But now, with SEO content, eCom content, website content, social content, email content, video content, influencer content, brand content, AI content – an ecosystem of content – we use internal products that allow us to do all of this while working across more teams, more seamlessly.