12:03pm –


“Any update with the influencer? You sure there isn’t another plane she can grab?”


“There is… after the event ends! Lol. Don’t worry, I’m looking at new possibilities with Fluency.”


“When you say ‘Don’t worry,’ you mean…”


“Yep, just like I said.” She smiles to add the cherry on top.

In content, it is impossible to have a top-down management style (which is great because I’m not any good in that realm, as you know, Moms). In fact, we need to be decentralized and empower each person on our team to drive forward what is best for our clients and agency. So, we have confidence in them and they then have confidence in themselves. We also need to make sure they have the right toolkit. Fluency is our internal product that we use to plan and design our influencer campaigns. I wasn’t kidding about tech!