08:47 am – “THE ‘GOLDEN HOUR”

In ad-land, any time before 9 am or after 7 pm is usually pretty quiet and allows one to do more wacky stuff than they normally might when everyone is around. Today is no different – and no, it isn’t me acting a bit wacky. I see one of our Content Managers walking around with her phone stretched out in front of her face. From afar, she’s doing a Lens test – a client product she’s been passionately working on for the past couple of months, since she pitched the original idea.


“See this sound effect? It’s still coming in too late. Can you try it? It does a weird thing when the AR scans my open mouth too. Does that really look like I’m puking rainbows to you?”


“Did you get the same results from the agency user testers?”


“Depends on the OS – going to add this back to the backlog. The UI/UX is also still a little off.”

She’s a great example of what we call a Content Manager. At their core, they find solutions to customer problems through insight, research and validation; but they also have a product mindset – delivering continuous value through continuous improvement. The notion of UX is being spread and pulled further out from the original confines of a brand’s site or app as well, to now being what I’d call ‘cross-tap and swipe’ Content UX: the user experience needs to make sense from the beginning (wherever that platform is) to the end (whatever that action is).