Why did you choose this career path?

I considered many factors before deciding to embark on this career journey. I’ve always been interested in the way different brands and companies present themselves, and the way they express their identity to attract an audience but also stay true to their values. My academic background allowed me to expand my knowledge and enter a competitive field. I thought about growth prospects, my interest, and personal skills which would help me achieve what I aspire to in any work field. My current job combines my personal career goals and my passions, in an exciting work environment.

How did you land this job?

Havas HR contacted me, and, after the interview process, I was hired as a media executive. Of course, my previous experience in media facilitated the process.

How do you compare your work life vs what you imagined it would be?

My work life at Havas has exceeded my expectations in terms of responsibilities, [the] impact my role has, and growth and learning opportunities. I believe this has led me to have a fulfilling work life, full of activities and new interesting people while maintaining a reasonable work-life balance allowing me to follow my passions and ambitions.

What do you wish you had been told before you started working?

When I first moved to Dubai as a young woman trying to prove herself in a competitive field in a new country, I wish I had been told that confidence is a very important value to have; but also that prioritizing self-care and my own mental health is the key to optimizing my capabilities. A decent work-life balance will allow anyone to maintain a healthy lifestyle, thus resulting in more efficiency at any job. However, I learned with time how to create this balance and it is still a work in progress.

What’s the best thing someone could tell you about your work?

Even in my field, I can create an impact, whether in the healthy work environment, I create for the people around me or the impact of the media we put into the world and the messages that could make the consumer’s day. It might not be a direct impact but it’s still an important one. It is about spreading positivity in a world that is in need of light in the difficult times that we are witnessing.

What’s the worst thing someone could tell you about your work?

The worst thing I could be told about my work is that it doesn’t have a purpose; but also that it doesn’t come from passion or drive, because I put all my efforts into everything I do and strive to give the best outcome possible.

What’s the most valuable lesson you have learned at work so far?

The importance of effective communication and building strong relationships with clients and colleagues. Effective communication is crucial when working with people of different backgrounds because it can bridge cultural and linguistic differences, foster understanding, and build trust.

Who’s your role model?

My role models are my parents – a working mom and dad who have always shown dedication, resilience, and kindness in their professional and personal life. They instilled a strong work ethic in me, encouraging me to pursue my passions and never give up on my dreams.

If not this, what would you be doing?

When deciding what I’d do at university, it was between journalism and marketing. I’d have loved to tell stories of inspiring women around the world, giving a voice to those who are unable to raise their own. I also loved doing my own research when it came to any news story that came out.

What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?

It is difficult for me to imagine myself ten years from now because all the events happening in the world make it challenging to look past the present. However, my ambitions will never cease to inspire me to move forward. In 10 years, I see myself continuing to work in the media industry, potentially in a leadership role where I can mentor and inspire others, while balancing a family life and hopefully becoming a mother. I also hope to have made a positive impact on my community and the world at large.

The 30 Under 30 ranking was first published in Communicate's Q1 2023 print issue.