Why did you choose this career path?

After a couple of internships and freelancing adventures, mainly in graphic design, I founded a design studio with two friends and soon became a client-facing project manager. I felt confident in that role and quickly realized I wanted to experience it on a bigger scale.

How did you land this job?

In 2020, career prospects in Spain weren’t looking very promising. I knew I didn’t want to settle for little, so I started looking for job opportunities abroad. After applying to several roles in different places, I was lucky to get this opportunity at Havas, which has impacted my life very positively.

How do you compare your work life vs what you imagined it would be?

It is much more fun than I would have expected. I am lucky to have an amazing, supportive team by my side and the opportunity to be part of great campaigns. This is an industry where you can grow and what’s more, every day is different! You don’t get bored.

What do you wish you had been told before you started working?

Advertising is hectic. There are always unexpected fires to put out but, in all honesty, that’s what makes it exciting. The easy path doesn’t get you out of your comfort zone to face new challenges and learn from experiences.

What is the best thing someone could tell you about your work?

The best compliment I can receive is that the team values my work and appreciates that I look after them by managing the client accordingly. Sometimes, it’s tough to manage both parties and find a middle ground. Seeing the client and your team happy feels very rewarding.

What is the worst thing someone could tell you about your work?

“You are not meeting expectations and the client and team are not happy with your performance.” In that case, I would love to sit with my manager and listen to their feedback. The best way to grow is to listen and learn from your mistakes.

What’s the most valuable lesson you have learned at work so far?

Don’t panic; it doesn’t help and won’t make things better in any situation. Set a 10-minute timer to stop everything you are working on, clear your mind, and think of all the possible solutions to the problem. You will see how quickly things get back under control.

Who’s your role model?

My dad. Growing up, he set the best example of how, with patience, per- severance, sacrifice, and respect, anyone can achieve great things. He also made sure we understood how appreciating the simple details and being humble remain two very important parts of the formula for success. I will be forever thankful to him.

If not this, what would you be doing?

I feel interested in radio/audio advertising. In high school, I was part of the radio club; we would create a news program and air it once a week. Years later, I took a radio course in university for two years; we explored different kinds of radio formats and I found it very interesting.

What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?

I would love to remain part of the advertising industry; I really love it here. I would be 10 years more experienced and wiser, in a higher position, facing different challenges, and, hopefully, mentoring new joiners in the field.

The 30 Under 30 ranking was first published in Communicate's Q1 2023 print issue.