In the third installment of Facebook’s four-part video series on consumer trends and habits in Saudi Arabia, we unveil key insights on the digital gathering, or how, in these challenging times, people in KSA are turning to online communities more than ever, either to find or to offer support.

You may not always be able to find these communities on a map, but for many people in the Kingdom, they are more meaningful and empowering than ever.

To learn more, watch the video:


The Digital Gathering

Facebook IQ and Ipsos conducted an in-depth study in 14 markets under the title “Emerging Trends: The Forces Shaping the Future Today.” The video below shares insights on how, during these challenging times, people in KSA are turning to online communities more than ever, either to find or to offer support. You can read the full study here –

Posted by CommunicateOnline on Wednesday, July 14, 2021


Watch part 1 of the Facebook KSA Research 2021 video series about the convenience gap here, and part 2 about the participating paradigm here.

This series is based on in-depth, extensive research conducted by Facebook IQ and Ipsos in 14 markets under the title “Emerging Trends: The Forces Shaping the Future Today.” To understand the conditions that enable people to build for the future today, read the full study here