OSN, the regional leading pay TV operator in the Middle East and North Africa, knew that its audience would react well to a simple and valuable proposition, and what’s better than Facebook to promote the new subscription package and drive sales on their website!

Using Facebook’s website conversions ad objective, they launched their new campaign in the Gulf targeting people with an interest in entertainment, high-end goods, technology and high-end mobile devices.

Following Facebook’s best practices, the ad creative was customized for a mobile environment and the messaging was presented clearly and immediately.

The ads used the bold statement “We added, we simplified, we removed” to pique customer curiosity, and coupled it with relevant and engaging clips inspired by great content that brought the proposition to life.

We talked to Saba Omaish, Head of Marketing at OSN to know more about their campaign on Facebook.

What was the main goal for the digital campaign that ran on Facebook platforms?

With this campaign, the objective was todrive a significant number of quality conversions through our website (osn.com) in an effort to deliver cost-effective sales by introducing and advertising a new product (El-Farq) in the Gulf region (with an emphasis on Saudi Arabia). Knowing that Pay-TV has broad appeal among different demographics, we turned to Facebook ads to reach our intended prospects.

What made you choose Facebook’s marketing solutions out of many alternatives?

Facebook is an integral element of any digital channel mix; ignore it, and you have missed out on a big portion of your addressable audience. Facebook’s personalizedmarketing solutions also allow for world-class optimization and substantial learning capabilities – it was the obvious choice to make.

Which Facebook/Instagram solutions/products did you use for this campaign?

We used a mix of products such as the Carousel format and Core & Custom Audiences; we also used lookalike audiences to reach people who are similar to our existing customers. Throughout this campaign we made sure to use lift measurement in order to make better marketing decisions based on insights.

Could you share the results of your campaign? Did you achieve your goals?

The campaign resulted in a 6.3X increase in Online Sales, exceeding the targets we had set in the first instance. The campaign also delivered on the awareness factor which helped build the base for consequent campaigns.

How would you describe the value of measurement? What do you do to measure the impact of online investment on brand campaigns?

Measurement sits at the heart of our operation; if we can’t measure it, we don’t do it. The nature of our operation coupled with the nuances of the Pay-Tv industry have dictated the need for a bespoke attribution model which we have implemented at OSN to help us fully understand performance and what drives it within an omnichannel framework.

What would you recommend to other businesses who want to drive their online sales?

Test, measure and learn. It is paramount to build a robust framework around testing and learning to understand what works and what doesn’t. There is no shortage of platforms or ad-products out there to choose from; you just need to find out which one(s) work for your brand in the context of your objectives and targets.