Influencer marketing is a key component of every marketing strategy today, but social influencers’ booming clout has led to concerns and debates over trust and transparency.

The global influencer marketing industry is set to grow only further to reach $13.8 billion in 2021, indicates "The State of Influencer Marketing 2021" benchmark report. The hold of influencers in the GCC is equally strong with about 85% of Millennials in Saudi Arabia and the UAE following at least one social media influencer, according to a 2019 survey conducted jointly by BPG Group and YouGov.

However, consumers are also demanding more transparency, authenticity, and genuine value from the influencers they follow and trust.

In addition, the UAE’s National Media Council (NMC), via its Board Resolution No.26 of 2017 on Media Content, requires influencers to disclose sponsored content via a “Paid partnership” tag to “more clearly communicate when a commercial relationship exists between a creator and a business.’’

For these reasons, influencer marketing transparency has become a key focus for the Advertising Business Group (ABG). As the region’s leading self-regulatory advertising and marketing group, ABG is dedicated to uniting the industry around higher standards.

Additionally, the ABG wields a broad influence, with its members accounting for over 70% of the region’s advertising spend. It is therefore committed to supporting the disclosure of paid partnerships between brands and influencers.

To that end, the ABG has launched the Influencer Marketing Transparency Charter at the recent MENA Effie Thought-Leadership Program. The charter supports and builds on NMC regulation to raise transparency, build awareness, and promote best practice among influencers and the ad industry.

The ABG encourages all stakeholders to support the charter, which will help drive higher standards and create a focal point in these dynamic, digital-oriented times.