Ramy joined Hearts & Science almost two years ago, relocating from Lebanon where he was a senior programmatic executive at OMG Core – he was the dedicated programmatic lead on all H&S’s accounts and on smaller accounts across OMD and PHD. Ramy has a thirst for constant learning, which helps him adapt to the ever-changing world of digital media.

Why did you choose this career path?

Marketing and technology were my top interests throughout university and when deciding on [my] career industry. Entering the digital world was a motivation for me; so, it was a natural course to follow that passion and choose digital marketing as my career path.

How did you land this job?

Before joining Hearts & Science in Dubai, I was a senior social and pro- grammatic executive at Omnicom Media Group Core Beirut, operating on H&S client accounts. The challenges I faced and the digital maturity of the accounts were the main drivers to pursuing a wider career scope in Dubai within the same agency.

How do you compare your work life vs what you imagined it would be?

My working life currently is how I imagined it, as I am progressing on the roadmap I pictured. The milestones I am surpassing are the checkpoints validating where I want to be in the next five to 10 years.

What do you wish you had been told before you started working?

I was lucky to have had an entourage of people constantly mentoring me by sharing their guidance and experiences. Keeping in mind work-life balance and family shall remain a priority in [my] life.

What is the best thing someone could tell you about your work?

People are often intrigued when I explain that I work closely with the likes of Google, META, and TikTok on exciting campaigns for big, big brands such as KFC. Their facial expressions and genuine interest in what I do give me great satisfaction and pride in my work.

What is the worst thing someone could tell you about your work?

“Oh, you’re the person behind the ads I see on Facebook/YouTube/Insta- gram. You guys are so annoying!” or “Are you the guy who tracks my digital footprint?” are often the remarks I hear from people after I tell them that I work in digital media.

What’s the most valuable lesson you have learned at work so far?

While dealing with different characters and experiencing various situations, I’ve learned the fine line between work and personal relationships – and to defuse them to maintain healthy encounters and quality of work.

Who’s your role model?

Two people played a big role in shaping me into the person I am today: my dad, who taught me the true meaning of sacrifice and fatherhood; and my godfather/uncle who taught me to plan ahead and be smart in major life decisions while always being true to myself.

If not this, what would you be doing?

During my high school days, I considered studying musicology and music psychology. Perhaps I would’ve followed that path to Europe, where different genres of music are adopted.

The 30 Under 30 ranking was first published in Communicate's Q1 2023 print issue.