Laura is a firm believer in people achieving as much as they can, whenever they can. She has set a few goals for herself [to achieve] before turning 30, and has no plans of stopping anytime soon. Whether it’s starting a career at a global agency, launching her own brand, or pursuing her passion for fitness, she believes that people should always think big and work towards their aspirations – if they feel like there are no opportunities out there, create your own.

Why did you choose this career path?

I always wanted to work in a field where I could collaborate with others, present, strategize, and transform businesses. In 2018, I [applied for] a job at a martech startup. After the interview, they realized I had no experience, but my passion shined. I got the job and the rest is history!

How did you land this job?

MANIFESTATION. I reached a stage in my career where I had a clear vision of what I wanted and how my future would be. After a few conversations with others (and myself), I got a LinkedIn notification about a job opening at Digitas and it felt like the universe had aligned.

How do you compare your work life vs what you imagined it would be?

I’m a big fan of the series, and there’s always a scene where the main character leaves their routine boring life to pursue their dream career, in their dream company, with rainbows and butterflies – I feel like I am now that main character.

What do you wish you had been told before you started working?

Don’t let stress overpower you, everything has a solution.

What’s the best thing someone could tell you about your work?

You are the victim of your own success.

What’s the worst thing someone could tell you about your work?

People think you don’t work hard enough because you have a life outside of work when, in reality, you have been able to find the perfect balance to do your work passionately while still finding time to enjoy life and take care of yourself, physically and mentally.

What’s the most valuable lesson you have learned at work so far?

Surround yourself with people who inspire you, appreciate you, and respect your time. And most importantly, make time for yourself.

Who’s your role model?

My parents. For everything they’ve achieved together, and individually. #goals

If not this, what would you be doing?

I am where I want to be. I’ve always believed that we should make the most of our capabilities no matter what, which is why I’ve always pursued multiple things at once. I’m building my career, my brand, and my socials, all at once, because why not?

What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?

It’s hard to predict what the next decade will bring. I hope to be able to look back and feel like I’ve made the most of those years by challenging myself, achieving my goals, learning from my mistakes, and facing all obstacles (and perfecting at least five muscle-ups).

The 30 Under 30 ranking was first published in Communicate's Q1 2023 print issue.